Skin Cancer Knows No Season 

Sunscreen isn’t just for the summer. Dr. James Goydos shares why. The nights are getting longer, and the days are getting shorter and cooler as the clocks have gone back for part of the world. As many enjoy the transition into autumn and the coming winter months, it is easy to forget how we remainContinue reading “Skin Cancer Knows No Season “

Heart Disease and Gender Differences

This disease knows no gender but can present itself differently based on biological sex and other factors. Photo by anilakkus on istockphoto. When we talk about cardiovascular disease, many may assume it is something that disproportionately affects males. However, the term ‘cardiovascular disease’ is a sort of umbrella term which encompasses a class of different diseases.Continue reading “Heart Disease and Gender Differences”

What Does Critical Thinking Have to Do With Handwashing? Everything

The hand washing tradition that found surgeons dipping their hands in bacteria went unquestioned for decades. Photo by Piron Guillaume on Unsplash I was recently posed the following question: If you were placed in a role as an “educator” for a week, what would you teach and why? I found this question interesting because for 25 yearsContinue reading “What Does Critical Thinking Have to Do With Handwashing? Everything”

Is It Skin Cancer or Acne?

Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common form of skin cancer, but it can frequently be dismissed as a benign growth such as a scar, wart, or acne. Image by Andrew Martin from Pixabay Skin cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed cancers worldwide and is the most common form of cancer in the UnitedContinue reading “Is It Skin Cancer or Acne?”

“Robot, Pass the Scalpel”

Robotics is transforming the way we understand surgery. Photo by Photos Hobby on Unsplash Humankind is great at innovation. Throughout history, we can see several examples of this. From the discovery of fire transforming the ways in which we survive to the invention of the wheel forever altering transportation, we are constantly seeking out new waysContinue reading ““Robot, Pass the Scalpel””

What You May Not Know About Breast Cancer

Breast cancer survivors are also at an increased risk for several other cancers, including melanoma, colon cancer, sarcomas, thyroid cancer, and others Treatment-resistant breast cancer cells, photo by NCI By: James Goydos, M.D., F.A.C.S Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women worldwide. Skin cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in the UnitedContinue reading “What You May Not Know About Breast Cancer”

Here’s Why We Shouldn’t Have a Vaccine Before November

It’s not a race. It has nothing to do with politics. Photo by CDC on Unsplash Unless you have been living under a rock for the last several months, humanity is in the throes of a pandemic the likes of which we have not seen similar since the Spanish Flu of 1918. Of course, if youContinue reading “Here’s Why We Shouldn’t Have a Vaccine Before November”

Cancer Research Unites Us All

Regardless of nationality, culture, or creed, cancer is something that has a global impact. So too, does cancer research Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash September 24 is World Cancer Research Day. Today we help shed light on one of the most important causes that impact human health around the globe, but it is important year-round.Continue reading “Cancer Research Unites Us All”

Why Should You Care About Your Skin?

Your skin can be a great indicator of both internal and external health. Photo by ATC Comm Photo from Pexels By: James Goydos, M.D., F.A.C.S. “Skin”. For such a short word, the concept and its importance to the body carries an immense amount of weight (literally). It is the largest organ of the body, though oneContinue reading “Why Should You Care About Your Skin?”

Your ABCDE’s May Save Your Life

Learning your ABCDE’s of melanoma can spell the difference between life and a death sentence. @diomari “The ABCDE rule is a handy way of recognizing the warning signs of melanoma”. — James Goydos, M.D. When was the last time you thought of your ABC’s? Kindergarten? What if I told you they were still relevant? No, I don’t meanContinue reading “Your ABCDE’s May Save Your Life”